Originally Posted by Ballbarian
Thanks Burnsaber! The sprites look great. 
Thanks for the compliment. I took extra care for quality, since being pretty is one of the main selling points of Bretonnia in WHFB. Judging from downloads, it's working here too.
I really enjoyed doing the graphics. Drawing heraldy is just so easy and fun. When I have all the time in the world, I might quickly whip up an additional "skin" for the nation with different heraldy and color schemes.
Originally Posted by Trumanator
YES!!!!!! DLed now. Can't wait for the updates!
Well, to be fair, there probably won't be too many updates other than balance changes for a while. I have CPCS, Holy War & UWGEM to update, There's that metal nation too.
Originally Posted by Trumanator
Hope you don't mind, just trying to help!
No I don't mind. I appreciate all help on the grammar & readability section.
Also, I'd like to remind that I'm lacking in Knight names. I have 71 at the moment, but I'd be more comfortable with 100 names. So if anyone has any suggestions for Frankish Knight names, I'm all ears. Suffixes are also good (Like "Sir Frank the Mighty").
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