It might be useful to list exactly what got changed in the 'nerfing patch' so that people can compare Hinnom before and after. I'll have a stab here now, but I may need some help with this as I never really looked at Hinnom pre-nerf, and don't currently have any pre-nerf patchs close at hand to check them out.
The Bold Text is taken from the patch history notes....
- Hinnom PD reduced
My quick test shows you currently get.
upto 20PD...
An Avvite Commander
1.5 Avvite Light Infantry for every 2 points of PD
1 Avvite Swordsman for every 2 points of PD
...above 20PD...
A Kohen
1 Avvite Heavy Archer for every 2 points of PD
What was it before the patch?
- Hinnom start army reduced
You currently get...
6 Avvite Light Infantry
6 Avvite Swordsman
What was it before the patch?
- Hinnom Popkillers give some unrest
- Avvite Chariot -> 5
This guide says they used to be size 6.
- Dawn Guard -> 45gp
This guide hints at them being 40gp before.
- Melqart Blood -> 3
??? Guessing it was 4?
- Ba'al Blood -> 2
?? Guessing it was 3?
- Ba'al eat Melqart event reversed.
Please feel free to comment on, or correct, anything I have listed above. And please forgive my blindness if any of the missing info is somewhere in the guide.
If we can nail down exactly what got changed, then we can work out exactly what change is supposed to have turned this super nation into merely an overpowered one.