2) Yes. The grail knights are also magical. By drinking from the grail the knights are made into something that's not quite human anymore. This is represented by making them magic beings.
Excellent work on the mod burnsaber. And you got it out so quickly, I'm impressed. A few things. One of the commanders, dukes I believe, has in their flavor text something about attracting courtiers? But they don't

Are you going to mod that in at some point? If not I think it would be better to remove that line because it gives the impression that they do, considering everything else works as advertised. Also I think your morale values are almost too directly based on warhammer values compared to the other warhammer mods. For example, compare Temple Guards with Grail Knights. Temple Guard have 18 morale to a Grail Knight's 14, despite Grail Knights being immune to psychology and having the same leadership. If anything I think Grail Knights should have even higher morale than temple guard on account of their special rule. I think the bretonnian knights have less morale in general than they probably should have as far as normal dominions nations go. It would also be nice if knights errant could have a somewhat lower resource cost in comparison to knights of the realm to represent their being easier to muster, but this is probably just a pipe dream (I would be in favor of them having the same gold cost as KotR). And I'm not sure how you feel about this but personally I think pegasus knights should be even more expensive (80+ gold), but also have a second hoof attack.