analytic_kernel, thanks for the typo report, added to the fix list.
Originally Posted by rdonj
2) Yes. The grail knights are also magical. By drinking from the grail the knights are made into something that's not quite human anymore. This is represented by making them magic beings.

Hit the nail right on the head there.
Gamleplay wise, it also allows me to restrict the guys who can lead them. +thematicness!
Originally Posted by rdonj
Excellent work on the mod burnsaber. And you got it out so quickly, I'm impressed.
Thanks. I had a lot of days off, because seniors started to come back from their summer vacations in my job.
Originally Posted by rdonj
One of the commanders, dukes I believe, has in their flavor text something about attracting courtiers? But they don't  Are you going to mod that in at some point? If not I think it would be better to remove that line because it gives the impression that they do, considering everything else works as advertised.
Yeah, I need to polish up the description a bit. It's a part of the explanation why they have so high resource cost. It goes a bit like this.
1) Duke is called to war and he of course comes, but he has lands to manage and needs a Steward.
2) Courtiers start pestering the Duke, seeing a shot of finally owning some land (even for a short while, unless should something happen to the Duke....), wasting his time and resources.
3) Dukes absolutely hate this mess, but it has to be done, because they need their steward to be at least somewhat trustworthy. (knights do not really think highly of Courtiers, just recruit some and see their "nicknames").
Originally Posted by rdonj
Also I think your morale values are almost too directly based on warhammer values compared to the other warhammer mods. For example, compare Temple Guards with Grail Knights. Temple Guard have 18 morale to a Grail Knight's 14, despite Grail Knights being immune to psychology and having the same leadership. If anything I think Grail Knights should have even higher morale than temple guard on account of their special rule.
Hmm. Kinda true. I'll probably up the morale to 16, the standard effect should take care of the rest. Added to the fix list
Originally Posted by rdonj
I think the bretonnian knights have less morale in general than they probably should have as far as normal dominions nations go.
They all have the small standard bonus. Sure the effect is pretty small, but when you stack a lot of them on top of one other..
The nobles are much more courageous when in presence of other Nobles. I mean, think of the ridicule in the courts should the word spread that you fled from an battlefield! You might even lose your fief!
Originally Posted by rdonj
It would also be nice if knights errant could have a somewhat lower resource cost in comparison to knights of the realm to represent their being easier to muster, but this is probably just a pipe dream (I would be in favor of them having the same gold cost as KotR).
Well, I rather like it the way it is now. Most people might prefer KotR's, but there are times when you just absolutely need as many lances on the field as possible (like against giants, who can damage even on shield hits, negleting the skill difference).
Besides, you can summon them from the Errantry War spell, so that makes them more common too.
Originally Posted by rdonj
And I'm not sure how you feel about this but personally I think pegasus knights should be even more expensive (80+ gold), but also have a second hoof attack.
Don't know. At least in my testing I always went for Grail Knights when I had the gold. A cost increase would just make the difference just too much.
Perhaps I should lift the "cap only" status from them, but limit them otherwise (high res cost?)