@ Executor - Good to here that it only takes a 1k soulless army to reignite your interests in the game
@ All - Lavaere has agreed to take over control of Sauromatia from Chris Pedersen. So please direct all future Sauro matters that way.
@ ChrisP - Was it you or Lavaere who submitted the current Sauromatia turn? As admin (deputy) it would be useful to know that Lavaere is up and running as the sub, and that there were no problems with the handover.
@ ChrisP - If Lavaere hasn't done so already, can you please contact Lavaere to discuss in more detail the current happenings in Sauro so that the handover can be as smooth as possible, and free of nasty surprises. Thanks in Advance.
@ Lingchih, or anyone else fighting, or intending to fight Sauro - I advertised the Sauromaita sub position as being in no wars apart from with the Yomi AI. If this is not the case, or if there are ending NAP's etc with Sauromatia currently underway, then please let Lavaere know directly that attacks may be on the cards. Just in case ChrisP hasn't been in contact, or Lavaere isn't a regular thread checker. It would be a nice courtesy to an incoming sub, who lets not forget is doing every player in the game a favour by taking on Sauromatia.
I've never believed in a 'grace' or 'cease fire' period for incoming subs, but not letting subs know about NAP's, or pretending NAP's did/didn't exist etc, is a bit below the acceptable belt for me. Although Baalz is still main admin, so will have the call on this if it comes to that.
@ Lavaere - On behalf of everyone, "Welcome to the Game", "Best of Luck in becoming a Legend of Faerun", and "Many thanks from us, the players, for offering to sub-in as Sauromatia".
@ All - I may need a 24 hour delay for the current turn. I'm hoping to be able to get it done today, but I have a few other things to do as well, so it might not be possible. Fomoria giving me something new and troublesome to think about is also likely to double my required thinking time for the turn.
But I will post again later indicating whether or not I need a delay though, so that everyone is kept informed.