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Old August 2nd, 2009, 11:24 PM

analytic_kernel analytic_kernel is offline
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Default What Makes a Good Hero?

I've been working on developing a mod, and am finally ready to make some heroes. The plan is to try to make some heroes which are not overpowered, but not boring or worthless either. Basically, I'm trying to determine what the upper and lower limits are on what people would consider to be worthwhile heroes - ones that would cause them to seriously consider taking luck scales to increase their chances of getting. (My understanding is that Luck +3 gives a 6% chance per turn for hero events.)

I've been through all the Dom 3 forum threads that have "heroes" in their titles and have looked a bit at the Worthy Heroes mod, as incorporated in CB Nations 1.5. I found some partially relevant discussions here and here, but they are not quite what I am looking for. What I'm looking for are some guidelines or rules of thumb for designing good national heroes, or some metrics for determining hero quality. I understand that every nation is different and that there is not likely to be a catch-all formula for determining this. But, that said, I'm guessing that some good guidelines can be developed.

Some of the thoughts running through my mind have been:
(1) What are good classification systems for heroes? Some heroes seem to be excellent fighters. Others are good mages. Some are mixed mages and fighters. What makes a hero stand out in its category?
(2) Suppose the best recruitable mages of a nation have a maximum level of 3 in a path (or maybe 4 with a random pick) - what would be a good minimum path level for a mage hero if it is specializing in a particular path? Something like 4 or 5 maybe?
(3) For fighter heroes, having stats higher than the best fighter recruits of a nation seems to be a typical approach. What about taking the best recruitable fighter unit types and adding new abilities to them to create new hero unit types? Does starting with magical equipment (Enchanted Sword, etc...) count towards being a hero?
(4) How close are awesome heroes such as Lugh the Long Handed to the upper limit of what is considered an acceptable hero? Should some heroes be good SC chasses? Should all fighter heroes be good thug chasses?
(5) Should a hero be roughly equivalent to a mid-game summon? A late-game summon?
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