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Old August 4th, 2009, 05:43 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: OT - Strategy games with GOOD AI

Originally Posted by DakaSha View Post
...ill try it again i suppose.. maybe i just had bad luck in my 50 games :P I'll report ^^
Don't do it. It's a trap! One which I've fallen for many times in my attempts to force myself to like GalCiv II. I've easily spent over 200 hours on the game, and can't say I've enjoyed any of them if I'm honest.

I've come to the conclusion that you either like the game or you don't, and you either find the AI to be good or you don't (I find even the highest level to be very easy to beat personally). And this usually happens within the first few games you play. As at least in my experience, no amount of extra games or time (or money foolishly thrown at expansion packs) will ever change your impression after those initial games (ie. once you start winning all the time).

One of my biggest 'gaming' regrets in recent years is the amount of hours I've 'wasted' on Gal Civ II. And I'm not someone who considers 'gaming' to be a waste of time in any respect (like some people do). But it is a waste trying to like a game just because it is considered good by so many people. Even if it's a game you know in theory you should like, because you mostly always like all 'those type of games' (this latter point was always the bait that made me fall for the Gal Civ II trap repeatedly).

Not sure if I know of any good AI's for any strategy games. Although I find the CivIV AI to be better than most. At least I know I can't always beat the top AI level every time. Although that's almost entirely due to the bonuses it gets, so not really correct to say it's a 'good' AI I suppose.
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