August 5th, 2009, 10:44 AM
Major General
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Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Ug, as not being unbiased myself (I'm in the throws of a fight with Wingeddog and would rather not have it decided by staling) I suppose I'll solicit opinions as to what the other players would like to do. Sounds like a delay would be turns not due for almost a week from now (Friday -> Tuesday) and my fear is that if somebody else needs a delay shortly after it (that I can hardly deny after granting this one) it might torpedo interest in this game if we're submitting one turn over a two week period. What do you guys think? Despite my personal interest in holding up the game I think I'm feeling like I'm gonna have to let WD stale if he can't come up with a solution. Sucks as it sounds like he had a plan to take his turns that didn't pan out at the last minute, maybe (if you haven't left already) you might be able to find a last minute sub to take a turn for you?
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Baalz good player pledge