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Old August 6th, 2009, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: Newbie - Vicious Circle - Recruiting

You have the wrong Era for ARCO As they don't get Elephants in EA. Arco only gets Elephants if it gets the mercs in EA. They can get Mammoths WAY down the research line,but by then they are countered about everywhere.

Your correct, it can be a rush nation in MA or possibly LA but NOT in EA. Its Troops are resource intense and the troops that you start with SUCK for expansion.

Maybe in SP (I have never played SP) they can roll in EA...but my expierience (and it has not been that much), you are hanging on for dear life in EA.

If you think ARCO is a strong nation...then pivk it if you get the chance but remember Arco can't even get clams in this game they are now unique items and I think that hurts Arco as much as anyone. Without using a Clamming barrage then using Astral on your pretender could be useless and it was a necessity before.

Just an opinion...Off to Salt Lake, see ya Monday!!!
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