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Old August 8th, 2009, 08:58 AM
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Default Re: Satina the Teenage Witch

Originally Posted by Frozen Lama View Post
Kinda funny that she "specializes in astral and air magic" yet has no air magic
Two types of sorceresses in the game: The more common A2S2 + 20% AWSD random and then the type Satina is, 343, which is has base magics of astral and earth, with random chance of getting fire and some other goodies.

They both use the same description, because of the way the source code header file for descriptions is constructed. It looks up the description for sorceress, hits the common one and the monster 343 does not have a specific description of its own defined, which would override the base description, since the game always looks for the specific definition first and then defaults to the common one if a specific isn't found.

It's basically the same thing that caused the EA Abysia Anathemants to have MA Anathemant descriptions until the references were fixed, only 343 has no description of its own at all.

On another note, Satina is a basic monster type, so the only way to get her magic intact is by charm. Enslavement + GoR will get you a basic 343 sorceress, unless the unique identifier stays on the unit when enslaved. It shouldn't, normally.
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