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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:39 PM

Cerain Cerain is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

I think we could accept de settings of Black Sun Empire, her original idea, with this we doesn't complicate the game and if before we were agreed, now also we can be, with this we would can avoid a cooling of the interest for this match.

We should organize a effective voting.

If some options like map are not good already because we are more players so we can change it. And Grudge you could begin to write the list of players, this can hel to a good organization. Count with me.


Server: Llamaserver ................................. Era: EA ............................... Mods: CBM 1.5 + hording-prevention mod
Magic Research: Standard ............................ Special Site Frequency: 50 ............ Indie strength: 5
Score Graphs: On ................................... HOF Entries: 15 .............................. Random Event Frequency: Common
Money, Resource, Supply Multiple: 100...Starting Provinces: 1........................Renaming: On

Game Administrators: Grudge Bringer + ¿?.

Hosting interval: Quickhost. First 10 @ 24 hours, 8 hours added every 10 turns thereafter with the maximum to be decided by consensus.

Victory conditions: 60+% VP


Delays: Liberal. Automatically granted provided I receive a PM in time and you post on the thread as well to let everyone know, and there are no major objections.

Qualifications: Noob starting players should be "fresh and green" with limited MP and SP experience (5 or less MP game participation). New to MP? Check out the Llamaserver FAQ

Map: Cradle of Dominion

Nation Selection: Upon reaching at least the minimum recruitment level (6), nation selection will proceed via in a random order (Not first in best dressed).
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