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Old August 12th, 2009, 01:27 AM

Zinegata Zinegata is offline
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Default Re: Changing Support Point Totals in Campaigns

Originally Posted by Imp View Post
In WW2 all you have to do is not use all the support points, just spend 100 if thats what you want the AI force is based on your total force so the more you spend on support the bigger its force gets to match, I normaly dont buy any for meetings but have a larger core & buy air arty for attacks, ATGs & possibly some air arty for defend

On MBT dont quite understand now you seem to be asking to buy a bigger (better) support force than your core.
Ah, so if you don't spend support points the AI doesn't get it too. Gotcha.

In MBT I meant that the support point totals aren't enough even for small units. A mech infantry company for instance can often hit around 4,000 points as a Core force (especially around 2000+ if you play American units). Having only 750 or so support points is often disproportinately small compared to this

(Often enough for one set of arty tubes or a pair of helos, but that's it. Being able to buy more than that would be nice - i.e. throw in a platoon of recon troops to soak up fire)

BTW, are the first five battles in a campaign now automatically meeting engagements? Is there a way around this?
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