Originally Posted by vfb
Originally Posted by Illuminated One
What helps in that case is to send both armies to a third province and set them up there. Doesn't work in sieges though.
For extra fun, you can choose the 3rd province as one belonging to a nation you have a NAP with, and then forget to set your movement back to the intended province. Oh, the joys of diplomacy!
I used to do this all the time, but stopped after one nasty diplo incident.
Instead, I now use empty 3rd provinces like Illuminated One suggested. Still have problems sometimes though, as many a time have I opened up a new turn file to find a load of my mages having a picnic in the middle of nowhere. "What the hell are all my mages doing in THAT province?" "Oh yeah, I sent them there for easy planning, and then forgot to tell them where I really wanted them to go"