Originally Posted by Imp
I would disagree & guessing here, for meetings 750 is the minimum but generaly its about 10-15% of your core total, more for advances etc I think.
So far I haven't seen any value other than 750 for a meeting engagement. The value for Defense/Assault also seems fixed (500 for defense, 3000 for assault but my memory may be fuzzy).
If the support value is actually variable then I haven't seen it happen yet (maybe I've never met the threshold needed to make the game change the support values?)
Wanting more support points for sacrifical lambs, why? Suprised HQ gives you any support at all if you just send them to there deaths.
Because US/Western units in 2020 to be used for front-end recon tend to be very expensive regardless? And one can't really avoid losing men to stuff like mines or RPG ambushes even with careful advances?
I think its the first 3 & yes would be nice if you could overide & choose the type. You could make more of a story out of it or base the next battle on the last outcome. Near enough given up campaigns because of this but tend to do the following if play one.
Set visibility low change turns to 2 & set all flags to me.
Dont bother deploying just press turn end 2 times & the battles over.
At the start of the 4th battle I now start the campaign so remember to fudge the dates if needed.
But by that time the Polish Campaign for my Polish company could already be finished ;_;