Originally Posted by Zinegata
Or you can do an "Iron Man" campaign where you don't save/load whenever a unit is killed. Even elite units will get killed eventually by a lucky shot or two, and you'd need to train new replacements...
I pretty much follow the same way of playing. I only reboot when I screw up my movement. I hate it when I think I've activated a particular unit but am in fact still on another unit. That mostly tends to happen when I have a bunch of units occupying the same square.
Apart from that, I just let things roll as the turn processes. My 4th battle in my LC as Germany had me assault the Poles. I put my entire force on the lower half of the screen and then rushed through and came from behind. It worked brilliantly but I lost a lot of experienced tanks and 2 of my 4 88's. Still, it's part of the game and ya just got to roll with it. I just hate it when I screw up the movement by clicking on the wrong unit.