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Old August 13th, 2009, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: Infantry-only Tactics and Help?

However, the discusion here is revolving around infantry companies and the light support weapons available to them.
Do light mortars not fit into this category?

Given that M2's come with more ammo, IMO provide as much supression as the 60mm, and actually KILL things they get aimed at, which provides even more supression, I find them superior to the 60mm.
Both have there merits the M2 most likely doing better if you have a LOS so are targeting the unit. The mortar though is more effective as stated firing to help advances through woods etc when you are Z firing the machine gun. If taking advantage of the range it will be somewhat inacurate.
Both are best used against clumps of infantry not lone units.

And the comment that started the whole thing
and better bang for the buck then 60mm mortars.
A single 60mm MTR costs 2/3rds what an M2 does, the twin unit costs the same & has 120 ammo total so really suppose you should compare the supression from the twin unit for cost compatibility.

In reality I would still if pos use the M2 for direct fire the mortar for support in dense terrain. The MTR is more flexible as has smoke can be plotted & I think gets track hits much more frequently, in a pinch I do direct fire it at vehicles with limited success.
Try playing as the Canadians you can buy Mech infantry with one HMG & one Light MTR a platoon to get the benefits of both. Or if you want some real support firepower buy an Inf Co DW with a total of 5 LtMTRs & if you wish up to 6 HMGs!!
The MTRs come with limited ammo so they can move quicker to keep up but you get a lot of them.
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