So far this has been very helpful, thanks so much to everyone who is participating!
Regarding the Light Mortars that come with Infantry Platoons, from what I have gathered from the discussion here, is it always better to fire them directly at a unit (similar to an MG or Infantry Squad), or is it sometimes better to use the Indirect fire option?
I have found so far that if I use the indirect fire option with those light mortars, they don't seem to have much effect, but perhaps I am using them wrong....
So I can see that the main idea is to use Infantry level support weapons, such as Machinegun Teams or Mortars, to supress the enemy, then advance with your main troops, and above all try to have a numerical advantage

. I suppose lacking in specialized squads, you have to use additional generic infantry to provide covering fire, though no doubt with much less success.
In another scenario, I was trying to defend my position using Infantry only, against a combined force of tanks and Infantry. The problem was that the enemy infantry would spot my own infantry before the tanks could get in assault range, and then the tanks would take them out.
Obviously a diverse force is going to be better then my own by default, but do you folks have any advice in that sort of situation?
As well, is there any point in firing Korean war era anti-tank teams, such as Bazookas or Recoilless Rifles, at a distance of more then 1 hex? Even if they do hit (which isn't often) I find that they just go 'tink' and then the team is immediately shot down.