Originally Posted by archaeolept
A good fight by Slobby - ended somewhat unexpectedly, due to jotunheim teleporting in on his last remaining provinces. Almost sorry I didn't get to fight his super speed hero - something like 250 movement after he casts quickness. Higher than I've ever seen
I would say that jumping in and taking neutral/eriu territories right in the middle of the fight, provinces that had previously been held by me even, is a very borderline interpretation of a NAP. Anonymous remote spells are perhaps a legitimate grey area, but contested lands in the middle of a military campaign? I take it that if barbarians or caelum grabs one of Jot's territories it is thus equally non-aggressive for me to help myself to them. 
Technically, this is not in violation of NAP. However I do agree that this is in the gray area and is not something I'd normally do. The reason I made an exception is that you are very close to winning the game. You have remaining two VPs under siege and will likely take them soon. I need a leverage on Eriu's VP in order to stand a chance. I have waited at least on turn to see if you'll take these provinces back. When I saw you are not doing so I made my move.
You want to do the same on Caelum/Neutral provinces?- Sure, Just wait a turn to see if I take them back like I did before taking said provinces.