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Old August 16th, 2009, 04:19 AM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - PBEM

Originally Posted by archaeolept View Post
Wraithlord: having not paid any attention to victory conditions, I was a bit shocked to see (two turns back) that this game only has a 7 vp victory condition. I had completely forgotten about this, although I must have known at one time. Ok, so I'm stupid

It seems a bit sad for such an epic game to rest upon teleporting on someone's poorly defended vp, but I don't really see a good way to modify the conditions. Perhaps that one has to have the walls on an 8th breached before trying for the 7th?
Heh, there I was thinking you had it all planned ahead

Yes, I agree 7 VP is low for this game, or in large scale game for that matter IMHO. I think 9 is a more appropriate number.
We are both two VPs short of victory and both very close to get them. I'd say it's quite likely we either take the last VP at exactly the same turn or one of us is a turn short.
Pretty lame considering the awesomeness of the game so far.
Perhaps we can just call it a draw and end it there b/c there's no way to technically change the victory conditions now?
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