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Old August 18th, 2009, 01:53 AM
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Default Re: Forge of Godhood - started

Originally Posted by Trumanator View Post
As I'm playing Frozen's Forge turns atm, I appreciate VFB's handing over his pretender on a silver platter. And this one even had magic!
Upon seeing the death of Machaka's so-called god, the Council did not take long to come to a decision to attack the foul spiders, fearing that their treasure would soon fall into the hands of others.

We do not believe that you are currently in possession of our pretender, as our priests have already begun communicating with him from afar. Smaug assures us that he is currently in the 49th level of Hell, and expects to appear by our side most imminently.

-- The Council of Cardinals
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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