Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.5
Rather than threadjack another thread, I'd like to point out a few things I dislike in CBM:
-Phoenix pyre for the phoenix is miho overpowered.
-Umbrals at Conj7 instead of 5 ruins EA Agartha.
I understand phoenixes are rather bad in vanilla, but turning them into SC's usable for early expansion seems exaggerated to me. Would you rather have a great bull of a phoenix for initial expansion for instance?
Umbrals are strong, yes. But then what else does Agartha has for them? Rhuax and Barathrus Pact, but Ehuax isn't really awesome and that's about it. Needing Conj7 means EA Agartha needs to find something else to jsut survive until they get to the umbrals, but what? Their troops are still poor, and their mages need schools other than Conj to be useful on the battlefield, which delays umbrals further. Were these nice undead so overpowered EA Agartha dominated the EA? I don't think so.