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Old August 18th, 2009, 01:39 PM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: Orphic Thrench: Nation Signup

Originally Posted by Warshrike View Post
I honestly don't see why people play this game so competetivley. It seems so pleasent when it's not all lolmagicrush and mega monster makan gaems.
Without conflict, there is no drama, and thus (for most people, I would think) no fun. Conflict doesn't have to be expressed in a highly competitive fashion. But if the lolrushing and megamakan aren't painfully tedious or painfully uninteresting things for somebody to do, as you suggest they are for you, and if those are the ways to succeed, then people will do those things to produce the fun drama they want.

Those things would be painful for me if they seemed to be cheap. I haven't really seen anything that seems overpowered, though, during my time with this game (at least, not if CBM is applied). Even a "mega monster" has weaknesses!
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