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Old August 18th, 2009, 03:50 PM

TheDemon TheDemon is offline
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Default Re: Forge of Godhood - started

On the topic of the phoenix (and yeah, I should bring this to the CBM thread), it doesn't just get afflictions and become temporarilly inconveinenced, it racks them up so quickly that end of year 1 you'll have a phoenix with 6 or 7 afflictions and it'll take literally 4 or 5 game-years for that to heal fully, assuming you never throw it into battle again (unlikely). Plus, although it does work as an SC, the range of indeps it can take on solo or even supported by the starting army is very small. There are far more unbalanced combat pretenders. Phoenix is kind of like the Ghost King, except instead of being crappy SC + rainbow its crappy SC + Fire bless.
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