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Old August 18th, 2009, 05:18 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.5

-Gloves of the gladiator- loved the change.
-Amphiptere a commander: I don't understand the change but I don't care about it either. Still not used.
-Cheaper titan pretenders: good change. Still not used.
-Phoenix love the change. an alternative to the cyclops.
-catoblepas: meh.
-eater of the dead: meh.
-Slime- love the change.
-blindness: Like the change.
-ligthning bolt: Why make it weaker?Agree with the change.

-the kindly ones: I love the change to this spell. The kindly ones *will* attack your mages, rumors to the contrary. The kindly ones are fairly easily defeated.

-Heavenly Fires: I have no problem with the any of the changes to TC. I play TC extensively and find them underpowered.
-Umbral: This just ruins EA Agartha imo. Completely agree with original poster. Umbral is the ownly redeeming value in EA Agartha. And you nerfed it.
-Zmey: Cannot be used reliably due to erratic behavior in dominons.
-Bogarus, Horrors: First, horrors are not the province of Rlyeh, who has no notive access to it. It is rather the province of blood nations. Bogarus, mictlan etc. Early horrors made bogarus playable rather. However, I do think they need a national spell rather than allowing already strong nations to have equivalent access.

-Oracle bonus is thematic - I like it.
-Titan female bonus is way to strong, as I opined earlier.
-I like the Lord of Rebirth as is. He is never used in vanilla. I would like to see him extended to Agartha, Ctis, Machaka, and others to name a few.
-Agree about Man LA
-Ashdod needs a major nerf
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