Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.5
I am posting a list of heroes that I think still need improving in CBM/WH. For the most part, they are non-mage heroes, as I think that they are the most problematic and least scalable. I am going in the order that they appear in the saved game attached to the WH thread that shows them all.
Chuzrael the demonbred Slayer- MA Aby- While he shows up in an age where flying assassins are no longer available, his stats are pretty underwhelming. Defense and stealth level seem like the most obvious candidates for a boost.
Rago the Rage Lord- MA Aby- Not bad atm, but the 5 zerk on top of 6 enc sucks big time. Maybe an enc reduction or some natural reinvig?
Shudul Cthuda- MA Atlantis- 7 enc? Really?
Hierolagus- LA Pythium I think- Standard seems to be one of the usual buffs, maybe an even 20 prot wouldn't be amiss?
Knights of the Stone- Man I presume? Again, standard seems usual. The CBM Warhorse Hoof attack is probably supposed to be there as well.
Bernlad- Man- Not so bad I guess, though maybe 20 prot as well?
Rhianne- Man? Patently useless, though if the patrol bonus gets boosted a lot it could be interesting.
Hildegard - MA Ulm- Wouldn't be bad if she got 2A instead of the useless 1A.
Barthulf- MA Ulm- I _think_ this guy domsummons black knights, which is great. However, turning up the spawn could be... interesting.
Niklatu- C'tis- Rainbow armor should give reinvig no? Maybe awe too, his armor IS shiny and colorful! 100 poison res wouldn't hurt either. However, 4 Swamp Guards a turn isn't so bad.
Anthromachus- Arco- Immortality helps a LOT, but enc 9 not so much. A better weapon would help too.
Orokestes- Arco- not in need of such a boost, but 1 in 4 magics and 2 in S isn't THAT useful. would 2 in the elements be too imba? Would make him a much better site searcher anyway.
Angelique- MA Mari- Maybe some priest level and inquisitor status? Otherwise she kind of sucks.
Rams Head- Pan- Why enc 7?
Auluudh- Ry'leh- No paths that you can't get from recruitables? An extra level of S and W wouldn't hurt.
Abasi- Machaka- Once again, enc 7?
Mwaka- Machaka- Seriously? About the worst hero I've seen. Unless the apes are on par with LA Arco's or Bandar swordsmen. Or if you get a LOT of them.
Warenheris- EA Ulm- Maybe a bit more prot? At least average MR would be nice too.
Yukinaga- Shin- immortal helps, but boosting to D3 for Soul Vortex would be a great boost.
Cu-Chulain- Tir/Eriu- More fear perhaps?
Fianna- Eriu- Generally better stats? Prot in particular could be improved.
Antlered One- Dunno- Less enc would be nice?
Bapu- Lanka- Never heals is a bit harsh, otherwise general stat improvements would help.
Ninjas- Jomon- More defense would help a lot with assassinations.
Golden Naga- Patala- "Skilled fire magic user" means more than F2 to me. Also, I don't see why she can't have a chest slot?
Tomb Lord- LA C'tis- 10 enc!?! not to mention that F1D1 isn't particularly useful.
Possessed Flame Corpse- LA Agartha- If this hero actually has the flame corpse explosion effect, its actually not bad. If not...
The Houndkeeper- Man- Two Cu Sidhe a turn is decent, but seeing as you're not likely to have much of a bless...
Last edited by Trumanator; August 22nd, 2009 at 09:46 PM..