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Old August 23rd, 2009, 08:57 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: [Nehakara] Cannot Summon Ushabti Avatar

Not sure what the title of this thread is in reference to, but the 'message from host' that sometimes appears in-game saying "Nation X has had an unexplained increase in wealth. This may be the result of cheating" happens at least once a game in my experience, and often more than once. I has certainly happened in every game I am currently playing in (although can't ever remember seeing it before the most recents patches).

As far as I know nobody has ever actually recieved any extra gold/gems from the so called 'unexplained increase in wealth'. And also AFAIK, nobody knows what causes it. My own hunch is that it's connected to the merc bidding mechanic somehow, but I've been unable to reproduced the error reliably in SP games to confirm or eliminate my hunch.
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