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Old August 23rd, 2009, 10:52 AM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Baalz' good player pledge

Heh, you guys have way too much faith in this if you expect me to keep track and police what everyone does. Regardless of what I do the only force this has is whatever people do to police their own behavior after having given their word. The primary purpose is to get (particularly new) players to consider the commitment they're making to everyone else by joining a community game. I've got less than 0 interest in tracking anything remotely like who agreed with what caveat and much less than that of determining and tracking who 'violated' their pledge. The bar is set at hoping most people put at least a minimum effort into supporting games they joined past when they lose personal interest...though I think a pledge with words literally like that would fail to clear that bar.
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