August 28th, 2009, 12:35 PM
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Re: IGN: Elemental: War Of Magic - Preview
Originally Posted by NTJedi
Originally Posted by theenemy
Originally Posted by AstralWanderer
No multiplayer, no map editor. It's a single-player game with fixed maps/quests which are randomly populated with opponents and treasure - rather like a real-time version of Heroes of Might and Magic where you only control one character. The main attractions are building up your character (and his army) and exploration/quest solving.
Size-wise the maps are medium-size but packed with detail, making them seem larger.
No multiplayer? Then why does this topic( http://forums.elementalgame.com/362366) exist? And it WILL have a map editor. Misinformed mucho? 
Astral Wanderer was responding to my comment on Kings Bounty... based on his response I actually won't be buying Kings Bounty.
I've been following Elemental "very closely" and I know it will have multiplayer, a random map generator and a map editor. 
My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?