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Old August 28th, 2009, 01:16 PM

Anthropos Anthropos is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

Sorry, so busy at work, forgot to email last turn after I processed it and now I really am dead.

However, busy as I am, must respond to mischevious diplomatic slander.

A) I invaded no province held by Formoria until AFTER he held, sieged (and failed to conquer) my capital province.

B) I offered a diplomatic treaty upon first contact, upon which time his dual blessed giants immediately took my most valuable province and drove me back into the sea.

C) No alliance against Formoria was ever proposed. I expect my short comment to Yomi, was then leaked to you, who had already attacked several of my provinces and was in open war against me from abotu the 5th turn. My comment, was that I could enter into a NAP him as long as he had a NAP with you, and that he should choose which border he should secure, as you had already initiated war against me after my initial generous diplomatic initiative.

While I will soon die, please take note that Formorias army is in the sea on a slow siege.
Many of his forces are now diseased and a good chunk will be gone in the next few turns. He is, if you like, prime pickings. I welcome all vultures to come pick over his incipient corpse.

I reccommend you attack from the north.
The main force is composed of sacred unamarked who both regenerate and have additional defense. He backs this up usually with a single glamored nemedian, but on other cases with a few formorian kings who carry little to no equipment, self buff and generally spam 'ghost wolves'. Occasionaly Morrigans are involved. As sacred blessed troops, their defense is substantial.

Best wishes,
Anthropos of Ryleh.
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