Originally Posted by RegnorVex
I get the feeling that they rely too much on Impulse as a quick turn-around patcher and it causes them to publish builds first and test later. The fact that they are developing this product in-house does not inspire me with confidence. 
Indeed their uusal development policy is to publish beta builds and have them tested by the public. They were unable to adapt to the more usual way Demigod was developped and still behaved as if the product was in beta when in fact it was not. They developped GalCiv and Galciv2 the way they develop Elemental and the end products were solid.
It's also much easier to develop a product you know than sending people who don't know a code base and have them fix problems in this unknown code. The latter often causes as many bugs as it solves since developers must first learn what the code really does. I doubt it tales less than one month to get accustomed to any code base of significant size, so the first month of patching by Stardock people would probably have hurt as much as it helped. This shouldn't be the case with something entirely develeopped by them.
I'm still wary about the multiplayer part but I don't care much for it, ad I think an Elemental MP game would be tedious if the game's anything like MoM or Civilization. It'll be even more than tedious with tactical battles being played between other players in real-time, basically making anything more than a duel uninteresting to me.