Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I can't say I'd lose any sleep over this game ending right now. I wouldn't put this game in the 'fun' category, but neither has it slipped into the 'pain in the arse' one yet.
But I think the credibility of this game has been questionable for a long time due to the insane number of drop-outs we have had, and I don't see any way a winner can be declared until there have been a lot more human v human wars. Human v AI wars are something to feel shame over, and are certainly not an achievement.
What has annoyed me most I think is that there has been a regular pattern in this game of.... we lose some good nations to the AI (eg. Nief / Van) and the game turns farcical for a while, but recovers. Then the moment the game gets back on track, we lose another load of good nations (Oceania / Yomi). And now once again, just as we're getting over that round of loses, we're hit by the huge lose of Fomoria, maybe Ulm, and a sub for Abysia. I am struggling to see how this game can continue in it's present form unless human homes can be found for the stalers. As more AI's would just be the last straw IMO.
If it comes to a vote then I'd go with calling this game void / undecided, and starting afresh. Although if the scale is the same, I'd only be interested in playing if there was some serious vetting of players done for the sign-up. I really don't want to be prejudiced against new / unknown players, but there has to be some form of vouching for players for large scale games. Maybe 2-3 positive references for each player signing up. And while I don't feel that annoyed at having spent 100+ hours on this game for no reward, as I did enjoy many parts of it (and reward as in a proper conclusion). But I would be reluctant to go into such a game in the future if I knew there was a high chance of it becoming another AI-infested joke by turn 40.
Re: Revolution - I've heard from PashaDawg, and apparently Revolution has gone on vacation (it was him playing Caelum in PashaDawg's Asia Twist game). So Ulm are likely to continue staling for the foreseeable future if nothing is done.