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Old August 30th, 2009, 10:53 AM
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Default Re: Bretonnia, Knights of the Grail v.0.8

OK, mod updated.

List of changes from 0.6 to 0.8

- Improved graphic for Pegasus Knights and Grail Knights
- 2 new heroes, The King and The Black Knight
- Removed autosummons, but powered other summons.
- Morale boosted for Grail Knights to 30
- KotR to hp 12 to bring "in line" with MA Mar/man knights
- Better stats for footed knights (+1 str, -1 enc)
- Added lenght to "Heroic" weapons
- Made Questing Knights into no-leaders
- Pegasus knights to recruit everywhere, with slight increse in resource cost.
- Made compactible with the chaos mod
- Added Trumanator's fixed nation description
- More Knight names (104 different names now)
- Improved grammar in descriptions
- Footed KotR got castledef and patrolbonus
- Hounour Guard of Knight Commanders changed for thematic reasons. Lord gets now 1 mounted KoTR. Marquis and Duke get 2 Mounted KoTR's. Gold costs raised to compensate.
- Starting Commander changed to Lord.
I'm intending to put this mod to a MP game soon, so I'm especially intrested in toughts and suggestions on that front.
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