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Old August 31st, 2009, 11:45 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Overlords - Game Thread. Sign up phase

Originally Posted by Kietsensei View Post
Originally Posted by rdonj View Post
Hi. It's my understanding that you're a fairly new player. Correct me if I'm wrong? I'm sorry but for game balance purposes I don't think it would be a good idea to have newer players in as the overlords, it would make them a target and be too easy for the other overlords to kill off. I am going to go with first come first serve for this game, with overlords getting their choice of nation when they sign up and then normal nations once all of the overlords have chosen. Unless this is just wildly unpopular. I would have no problem with the ranked lists method for example.
Well yes and no. I am kinda new as I have less than 5 MP games on internet using the llamaserver. But I have been playing this game for more than 1 year now on hotseat with friends. Playing on internet allowed me to play with different players that's it but I guess the winning tactics and strategy remain the same.

It is up to you to decide as it is your game. If you think I am not experienced enough then I will drop without any hard feeling
Yeah, I would prefer someone with more mp experience than that play as the overlords. Otherwise you will just be crushed mercilessly by all the other overlords... it's unavoidable. You would be perceived as weak even if you aren't, ganged up on and it would not be pretty.
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