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Old August 31st, 2009, 01:57 PM

Snoddasmannen Snoddasmannen is offline
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Default Re: Offline version of spell database?

Well importing the data into a database is very easy. It's also the job I did the worst I ripped the structure straight from the excel sheet, which was a really bad idea in retrospect.

To specify the magic level required to cast the spells, it uses four columns, two to specify the major and minor kinds of magic (indexed as ints) and the other two to specify the level required in each of those two(which is often 0 for the minor level). I copied this straight off.

In a relational database, I think this is dubious, I'm not even sure it's properly normalized. In any case, it made searching very difficult, but I could never be hassled to fix it. I should probably have had one column for each kind of magic along with the level required in that school to cast it. Plus an extra column to specify which is the major kind, I guess.

It would have made searching a lot easier at least ... Oh well. I'm sure there are proper DB people out there who can come up with even better schemes
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