Originally Posted by Stretch
I have not taken any non-Sauromantia province (and they weren't too big) and there are definitely other nations that you should be more worried about at this stage of the game.
Also, Kailasa is AI? Did that happen recently? Are they almost dead?
Thx...couldn't remember if you also dismantled Agartha. It's a bit disconcerting to see the entire HOF either gods or Vanheim and wanted to some info from that part of the world!
Hmm..I guess Kailissa just went AI. They are down to 1 province that's been undersiege for many turns so they're trapped. Their capitol has been long since plundered by Abyssia.
So I think 4 capitols(kail, Sauro, ermor, Agartha) are gone and no nation has more than 2.