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Old September 1st, 2009, 02:13 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Overlords - Game Thread. Sign up phase

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
Hey rdonj....

Would love to play - but I'm in 2 games now, and this is all I can really handle.

I love the fact that you are trying non standard nations - ie multiple province.

this was something I tried to get people interested in - using pts to let them build/start with bigger empires.. but I couldn't get any interest.

So I will follow your thread with interest and hope all goes well!
Thanks . A game like this is something probably out of a lot of people's comfort zones. I am just hoping there are enough people who might be interested enough to play, then I can worry about whether it blows up in my face or not.... Let me know if you decide to change your mind about not playing. I'm sure we could find a spot for you.

Namad - You're right, I shouldn't have marked down abysia already. Well, I still want overlords picking first. I guess I will have to remove the mark for abysia and deal with this later.

Abysia and vanheim are blood sacrifice nations so yeah, they will not be available as overlord choices.
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