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Old September 2nd, 2009, 10:01 PM

BandarLover BandarLover is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer "Chaos Undivided" race

Unfortunately, this mod is still incompatible with the Warhammer Lizards mod. Almost all of their troop types are lizard men and unless you change the national spells to match the new nation number you have to give them, they don't have any unique spells either. Re-reading thru this thread, I noticed Panpiper had intended to fix this with his .55 update but he might have forgotten while doing all the other bug and balance fixes. I went thru myself to try and change the unit numbers and it worked to an extent but there were a few troop types and commanders that were still Lizardmen troops so I'm not sure what I may have done wrong there. Hopefully a fix will come soon, though I've not seen Panpiper post lately, so who knows.
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