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Old September 4th, 2009, 11:35 PM

Micah Micah is offline
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Default Re: Forge of Godhood - started

It's not really suicide when you're dead anyhow. I don't see how cowering in my cap would have accomplished anything to increase my long- or even mid-term survival. Watching Pan's army tear through my 58 PD this turn without taking a single loss that wasn't freespawn doesn't do much to make me think I was mistaken.

What is the correct account of the provinces involved then? I recall having my prophet die because I scripted him to retreat so you could take the province SW of Pyth if you wanted it, so I'm not sure how that equates to me being overly belligerent.

Your comment about being a friendly neighbor if I attacked Pyth was misleading, intentional or not. I had intended to ask if you would be a good neighbor once they were dead, but I suppose you did satisfy the letter of the question with your response. Perhaps it was simple miscommunication, perhaps not. Regardless, at the end of the day you attacked me because you didn't like my attitude about the conquered provinces, so I don't see why I don't get to do the same.

As to Holburg: If I am not mistaken I took it for war operations against Pyth, including having my priest preach out the last candle of Pyth's dominion, which I told you about. You never even mentioned wanting to take it after he dommed out before you attacked me. Plus I'm pretty sure the terms we agreed on had you taking the provs WEST of Pyth's cap, which doesn't even include Holburg.

And I realize that the game encourages NAP-breaking and backstabbing, I'm not accusing you of playing outside the rules, but I do object to you portraying my response to your attack on me as being somehow meta-gamey or unsportsmanlike. I tried to hold on to both of my VPs as long as I could, but your successful vanquishing of Kin-Breaker made me have to decide between Pyth and Agartha, and both of them result in a messy death. I'm not sure why you consider sitting around and waiting for it to happen less meta-gamey than just getting it over with.
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