Re: Forge of Godhood - started
I have to look with a wry eye at your new rationale about it being easier to defend the pythian cap, as to why you uprooted all of your forces. When the war first started you told me that if I did not withdraw you would suicide on me. Now you are doing so. I never claimed it was unsportsmanlike; merely that threatening to suicide against someone as a negotiating tactic is metagamey (as the value of such is generally to make others fear crossing you in future games), and that I am not moved by such threats.
"provinces west" was the original suggestion; when you were being more sorely pressed by pyth's armies, you had it that I would get those pythian territories you did not currently have; that included holburg. When suddenly Pythium was no threat, you certainly changed your tune on holburg, and started elbowing in on that other. Why was your scout prophet attacking a territory that even you agree was to have been mine?
As well to say my comment that I would be a friendly neighbour for your attack on pyth was "misleading" imputes a long pre-existing plan to attack you. There was none, and the decision to do so was only made the turn I attacked - due to your pushback on those scrawny lands that were to have been mine, due to privileged information as to your diplomatic activities, due to the war with pyth being over and so my being a free agent, and due to the one turn window whereby my dom extended over the pythian capital.