Re: Forge of Godhood - started
My threat to throw everything I had at you had nothing to do with metagaming. I was simply trying to break the double-team on me by threatening to go kamikaze on one of you, and I figured I had a much better chance of making a dent in you than I did in Pan, so you got the ultimatum. It didn't work, I was spread out and double teamed and eventually I lost a battle that effectively eliminated any chance I had at surviving more than a few more turns. At this point I'm just following through on what I said I'd do. I can see how you could frame me keeping my promises as metagaming, but some sort of reputation is unavoidable.
Let's just call this what it is. All of your supposed "reasons" for attacking me were fabrications, overreactions or very liberal interpretations of the truth. You decided you wanted to attack me and then went about looking for an excuse to do so, as opposed to the other way around. There's certainly nothing wrong with attacking someone in Dominions just because you feel like it, so why not just come out and say so? The aggrieved posturing is tiresome and dishonest.
Your assertion about my diplomacy is a complete fabrication. I never approached anyone about a joint attack against you. Pan approached ME with an offer to work together, but I had only indicated interest in it in a broad sense, and no targets had been chosen, and I told him that I would have to defer until I had Pythium in hand.
My prophet was attacking the territory in question because you didn't have any visible forces in range to take it and I didn't want to leave it uncontrolled since I didn't want a third party swooping in and taking it, as QM had already been asking after it. I sent you a message telling you that and letting you know I had set my commander to retreat so that I wouldn't take the province if you attacked it. You successfully took the territory in question with a scout that turn when my commander fled as ordered. I was also doing my diplo in a hurry since I didn't have a stable internet connection at the time and didn't get a response from you in time to get my turn in, hence the attack with retreat orders instead of not attacking at all.
Admittedly I would have happily taken some extra provinces if you had let me, (especially since you didn't do much fighting) but all you had to do was tell me that you were taking them per our agreement and I would have left them to you. I think skipping straight to a full-out attack because I asked who the province was going to is a bit of an extreme reaction, no?
I still have no idea what you're talking about with Holburg. As I said, I took it to preach there to kill Pythium, and you never asked about claiming it after that. I didn't build anything there or otherwise solidify my control of the province.
You were also not really a "free agent" when you attacked me, as we had agreed that I would get the Pythium capital as a result of the war, and I had yet to take it. Perhaps in some sense the letter of the agreement was fulfilled since I had control of the province, though not the fort, but it's clearly a mangling of the spirit of it. Additionally, I think most people would characterize an unannounced attack on someone you were working together with the turn before as at least somewhat underhanded.
Again, a sound tactic, but watching you try to cast me as the villain after you launched a sneak attack at me is quite irksome. You can trump up whatever pretexts you want, but at the end of the day you stabbed me in the back to try to get an advantage, which is fine. The farce of you pretending otherwise is what I take exception to.