My threat to throw everything I had at you had nothing to do with metagaming. I was simply trying to break the double-team on me by threatening to go kamikaze on one of you, and I figured I had a much better chance of making a dent in you than I did in Pan, so you got the ultimatum
You gave me that threat immediately after I attacked. This was two turns before Pan attacked. It was just me, who was clearly militarily weaker than you were (I had no ready SC at the time; you had two). In fact, at the time, you were indicating to me that you rather expected Pan to come after me.
Secondly, all your hurf-blurf about my aggrieved posturing - I was upfront about my reasons, and that you needed a counter after pythium evaporated. It was surely you acting all aggrieved. But my other immediate rationale was quite real - you were elbowing in on those few scraps of territories that were due to me. That's how it goes. If you treat an ally with contempt, you should not act all shocked when he ceases to be your ally.
I still have no idea what you're talking about with Holburg. As I said, I took it to preach there to kill Pythium, and you never asked about claiming it after that
Our agreement during the height of the war was that I would get all the remaining pyth territories currently not in your possession. That included Holburg, as it was still pyth's. I then said I was moving in to take both those territories. You later took it to preach/cut off retreat.
, but watching you try to cast me as the villain after you launched a sneak attack at me is quite irksome. You can trump up whatever pretexts you want, but at the end of the day you stabbed me in the back to try to get an advantage, which is fine. The farce of you pretending otherwise is what I take exception
We had no formal agreement extending beyond the fall of pythium, so I can't quite consider this a backstab. As to trying to cast you as a villain - I was not the one to bring this to the thread.