Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running
Oh.. well that sucks My commander's in the battle in 199 should have all had Lighting and Fire immunity on top of other good Air and Fire buff's but I didnt notice that my Adept's of the Iron Order were map move 1 which meant they just sat there in the fort while the others moved off without them.
Otherwise your Firestorm would have had no effect at all on the commanders. Not that it did a whole bunch to them anyways but it did kill a few I guess.
I tried to teleport my pretender on your province with the Magma king too for one last dance but the dome stopped her and I didnt cast enough spells before her teleport to take down the dome like I had tried to do.
Ahh well. Good game.
I guess you can close it out if Arco concedes as well. Otherwise I'll finish taking him out if he needs me to.