Re: Overlords - Game Thread. *Accepting nation lists
Q: How do you get an overlord capital?
A: Why, you ally with another overlord, of course!
The overlord capitals are worth no more to us than any other capital, *and* we can't (realistically) win unless all the other overlords are dead! Furthermore, we're allowed to attack each-other at will.
Once the game is in motion, consider that Machaka is less of a late-game threat than all of the crazy astral nations (Ally with R'lyeh/Ashdod/Pythium/Marignon? Are you nuts?), so I am a natural choice for any such alliance. Please forward inquiries, proposals and offers of spiritual bondage and eternal servitude to the true God, Knife Bright Insight, He who vanquishes false idols. Note also, my brash arrogance and love of trash talk temper any possibility that I might be a long term threat.
All hail Knife Bright Insight!
I'd like to trade the other Overlords for some astral junk, esp. once I can make hammers.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe