Originally Posted by Hoplosternum
So if you do have a problem getting someone to design a map for you then just pick a map you like and ask someone to set the starting locations for you.
I could do this. I can also make the AIs allied, add some special sites (if desired) and give the AIs some starting boosts if needed/wanted. I think the AI Pretenders can also be designed (but I am not sure) so I can probably give decent scales or blesses to the AIs.
But I can't design the whole map.
Yes, apparently according to the mapedit.doc file and advice I received from Gandalf and others, the AI players can be set up entirely via map commands such as:
at a minimum, and further customization via:
#god 40 1026 -- Carrion Dragon
#comname "Komm Poast"
and other commands which can be appended or added to the .map file.
If you'd like to handle this portion once a map is created or selected let me know. Of course if custom pretender builds are used this information would have to be kept from the human team to avoid spoiling any surprises or giving us another advantage. Since players won't see the .map file, it shouldn't be a problem but whoever does it would likely have too much information to actively participate.
I wonder if the computer would choose a random god is none is assigned via map commands.