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Old September 9th, 2009, 12:45 AM

kianduatha kianduatha is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.5

I've been wondering about boulder throwers, and I still haven't seen hardly anyone use them. It seems that even with the (greatly) improved attack, there's simply no real use for them(besides chumping down unsuspecting Adons, I suppose). Boulder throwers are supposed to improve damage outlay and help deal with high-defense troops. Of course these are very critical goals, especially for Agartha. But then why do we not see such a crucial niche filled, more often than not?

1. Range. Str/3 means that you can only have a very limited number of boulder throwers useful at any time--especially with their large sizes. Thus you cannot ever get a critical mass of them, even though there are several other considerations that would prevent such a thing(cost, for one, and friendly fire)

2. Ammunition. Two ammunition is fine on troops such as javeliners, who are also meant to be frontline troops. And if boulder throwers were meant to ever touch melee, that would be fine. Unfortunately, they have abysmal defense and easily die to even mediocre troops.

I'd suggest at least considering upping the range to maybe str/2 and/or pumping ammunition up to 3. It just seems that with a bit of tweaking, Agartha can get some of the killing power they need from stone hurlers.
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