Re: Quick immortal question
The only downside? Hardly.
The phoenix still can't expand very well on its own and will never be able to take on large enemy forces by itself, which a real SC pretender can do. It also has no slots, so if you take it for F/A diversity you don't get to have a forge discount with it.
Sure, the phoenix shines when you're down to just defending your capital, but that's generally not a place you want to be at. The primary asset of the phoenix is just the diplomatic leverage of being a royal PITA to kill, not because you're a real threat. I don't think that anyone has won a competitive (non-noob/mostly experienced players) game with one, which seems odd for something with "no downsides."
Last edited by Micah; September 9th, 2009 at 04:02 PM..
Reason: Clarifying "game won" assertion