Originally Posted by MaxWilson
Originally Posted by Sombre
The main reason people give a crap is because stardock were supposed to be doing MoM2 essentially. But they aren't. They're just doing a soulless fantasy strat game, of which there are many.
It might be good, but judging by galciv - no soul.
Sombre? This thread has kind of revived my interest in 4X games, and you seem to have good taste in games. I'm curious if you have any recommendations for games that *DO* have what you call "soul." Dwarf Fortress?
Civilization IV (especially its Beyond the Sword expansion and Fall From Heaven 2 mod) is the gold standard for 4x games right now. What Final Fantasy is to jRPGs, what Half Life is to FPS, and what Halo is to homophobes Civ is to the 4X genre. Thats not to say its everything for everybody, but it is the best place to begin if you have an interest in that genre.