Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
Cmon you guys are the experienced ones. Do you really believe this is even remotely an equitable contest?
Put your judges hat on for a moment. Do you believe the victory conditions are such that a normal nation has even close to the same chance of vicotry condition that an overlord does?
Lets reduce this to simplest cases.
Suppose an overlord chose an awake pretender, good dominion, and fairly horrible scales. With 10 provinces and three forts, at the very least he is able to outproduce a normal nation at least 3:1.
Let alone stealth preachers.
Frankly, the overlords can use the gatestone to teleport 2 away from any starting normal nation. They can use this to deny normals expansion. Once there they just walk into an adjacent province.
Even if it doesn't happen turn 1 - it could certainly happen turn 3.
The victory conditions are fairly meaningless. Even if the overlords were required to eliminate all other overlords to win, it would still be that the overlords would attack normal nations. There is no way an overlord is going to attack a roughly equal overlord when they could instead grab independents or crush normals. It is only after the vast majority of normals or indies are gone that there will *really* be significant chance of conflict betweeen normals.
Personally, I believe that even if the overlords were prevented from attacking a normal until attacked that this would *still* inevitably result in an overlord victory.
I would suggest this, instead. No overlord can attack a normal until he has taken at least one other overlords capitol, he is free to attack any normal that attacks his territory. Still not even remotely fair.. but at least a nod in the right direction.
Last edited by chrispedersen; September 11th, 2009 at 01:55 AM..