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Old September 11th, 2009, 03:11 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)

As I said in pm, at this point I would really not make any further changes to the rules. This game needs to start eventually, or players will start to bail. If things don't work out this time, hopefully issues can be identified and fixed for any other games in this style should people still find it interesting.

My main goal with this game was just to do something different and have it hopefully be an entertaining deviation from the normal exactly similar starts that you go through in every other game. Not that that isn't fun, but it can be nice to do things differently once in a while. I want everyone to bear in mind that this is an experimental game and I'm not sure anyone can say for sure how it will turn out. Obviously overlords start stronger than everyone else. But is that enough to keep the other overlords at bay? I've seen a crafty idea or two from normal players about what they might do to hurt an overlord. The game is obviously not going to be completely balanced. I hope that will prove to be part of its charm .
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