September 12th, 2009, 02:52 AM
Lieutenant Colonel
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Leptis Magna
Posts: 1,329
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Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI. Game Over. Team ACGHHS wins!
Game Status: The game is over. Team ACGHHS winning by concession @ turn 55.
Noobs and Vets game information links:
www.dom3minions.com/~nav/scores.html (score graphs)
www.dom3minions.com/~nav/bin/nav_chk.cgi (turns received)
www.dom3minions.com/~nav/stats.txt (staling data)
Here are the settings for the first game in the planned three game series:
Era: Early Age ......... Magic Research: Standard ........... Special Site Frequency: 45 .... Indy strength: 4
Score Graphs: On .. HOF Entries: 15 ............................ Random Events: Common ..... M/R/S Multiples: 100
Renaming: On ........ Starting Provinces:1 ..................... Mods: BI 2.1G, Custom AIs .... Server: Dom3Minions
Admin: Septimius Severus
Custom AI design and placement: Gandalf Parker
E-mail Address for Turn Submission: nav@dom3minions.com
Team Forums: Noobs & Vets HQ
Map Editor/Chat Utility: Scriblink Online Whiteboard (link courtesy of Gandalf)
Hosting Interval and Delays: First 10 turns @ 32 hours, 8 hours will be added every 10 turns thereafter with the maximum to be decided by consensus. Most delays (under 24 hrs) will be granted if accompanied by a PM to the admin(s), a forum post, and a reasonable amount of notice. Alternates/subs should be utilized for longer delays. There will be no rollbacks for any reason.
Nation Selection: Nation selection will begin once all human team slots have been filled and will be conducted via ordered list method. Vet team captains will receive first nation choice before the ordered list is resolved. After the resolution of the ordered list, swaps will be allowed from the unassigned pool. AI nations will then be assigned whatever is left.
Map and team placement: A randomly generated map will be used and starting locations defined as follows: The AI team in the center, with human teams placed to the north, south, east, and west of the AI team. Secondary/optional starts for the AI team may also be added. A neutral party will place teams into the predefined starting locations. By default the two most experienced players on each human team will be placed in the front or center with the noobs on the flanks or in the rear using the team roster below unless otherwise requested by team captains.
Team composition and qualifications: The teams will consist of 5 teams of 4 players each. The first four teams will be played by human players, the fifth by AI nations. Each human team will be composed of:
1 veteran Captain: 3 or more years of Dominions experience and/or Hall of Fame member.
1 intermediate level Lieutenant: 1 to 3 years of Dominions experience.
2 noobs: 1 year or less of Dominions experience.
2 alternates (optional but highly recommended). Alternate slots may be filled by either noobs or intermediate level players but not by vets.
Team Captain rights and responsibilities: Captains are responsible for their teams overall strategy and welfare, have the right to veto additions/deletions to their team (in consultation with the game admins) and alter/decide nation assignments, are charged with ensuring their team has alternates or subs available, and have final say over individual nation placement within their placement zone.
Communication: Teams may use the forums I have created here or make their own, use chat, e-mail, PM, in-game messaging, or any other method of communication they wish.
Victory Conditions: Eliminate every other team including the AI team or be the last team standing.
Team Name | The Mysterios
| Deva's Darlings
| The Blessed Ones
| ACGHHS | The AI Menace
| Team Captain Nation/Status
| Agema
Lanka  | DrPraetorious
Neifelheim  | AlgaeNymph
Helheim  | chrispedersen
Mictlan  | Mag
| Lieut/AI God
Nation/Status | Frozen Llama
Yomi  | Frank Trollman
Ulm  | Stagger Lee
Tir' na' Nog  | Squirrelloid
Sauromatia  | Mali
C'tis  | Player/AI God
Nation/Status | Septimius Severus
Fomoria  | pyg
Hinnom  | RabbitDynamite
T'ien C'hi 
| chrispedersen
Pangaea  | Grenc
Ermor  | Player/AI God
Nation/Status | Agusti
Kailasa  | Illuminated One Caelum  | viccio
Vanheim  | GrudgeBringer
Arco  | Riora
Agartha  | Team Advisor
| Executor
| None
| Micah
| None
| N/A
| Alternate
| Tam-Lin
| CuriousCat
| PsiSoldier | shard | N/A
| Alternate
| sum1lost | Tarrax
| Makinus
| SciencePro
| N/A
And don't miss the next game in this exciting and innovative series featuring:
- New teams and themes
- More provinces to conquer
- Additional special magic sites to claim
- A deadlier and more powerful AI team to defeat
- Introducing a new optional human played mercenary nation
- New supporting roles for non-participants including advisors, diplomats, and spies
- And much, much, more
Feel free to post suggestions if you have them. Thanks.
Historical links: NvV, NvVII, NvVIII, NvV Noob Forum Archives, NvV Vet Forum Archives, NaV Concept Thread
Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men.
-Emperor Septimius Severus, to his sons shortly before his death, quoted in Dio Cassius (77.15.2).
Last edited by Septimius Severus; March 22nd, 2010 at 04:31 AM..